Justin Geedy-
I read many other blogs too and I have to say that everyone has done a really good job on it.
- I agree with his definition of Design, in which he states that it is the ideas and actions used to create something. It is a very effective and complete definition of design. I also really liked his project for his EDSGN 100 class. I liked the idea and the design his team had. I believe that it is one which would be very effective in cars since driving is becoming very dangerous these days. I think he deserves extra XP for the idea of his project.
- http://jlg5929.blogspot.com/
Dylan Combs-
- I really liked his definition of technological disobedience. He says it is "a new design to be used for a completely new purpose in which the original product was never designed to be used for". I completely agree with that definition because technological disobedience is when you use a product for something else with a slight design change. I had also described technological disobedience in a similar way.
- http://psudrc.blogspot.com/
Nichole Doherty-
- I thought her definition of technological disobedience was very thoughtful. I liked how she broke down the 2 words and thought about the definition separately. That requires some great thinking. I also really liked her example where students use their ID cards to wipe the snow off their cars. I think she deserves extra XP for her creative thinking and great examples.
- http://nicholemdohertysblog.blogspot.com/
- I really liked how he cleared out the common misconception that design and creation are same. I agree with him that many people think they are the same where as they are very different. I also like his project design for his EDSGN class. Drinking coffee out from a mug with 1 finger is really tough. Making it possible for handicapped people is a really great objective.
- http://iamliguangming.blogspot.com/
Justin Nowosielski-
- His definition of technological disobedience is described very well in a nutshell. I agree with his definition. His example of jailbreaking a phone is pretty smart. Everyone knows jailbreaking a phone is a form of technological disobedience but it doesn't pop up to mind easily.
- https://justinnowosielski.wordpress.com/page/2/
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